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Volunteering to serve on a committee offers AZANA members a chance to network with colleagues and further the profession in Arizona.

If you are interested in joining a committee, click here to send us an email!

Government Relations Committee

Chair: Kelly Larsen, DNAP, CRNA

Arguably nothing affects CRNA practice opportunities more than policy at the state and facility level. The GRC focuses on grassroots relationships with decision makers with a direct impact on CRNA scope of practice. The GRC Committee is very active during legislative session and throughout the year. By attending legislative events, or by meeting face to face with legislators at the capitol, members of GRC have an active role in shaping Arizona CRNA politicss

Public and Member Relations Committee

Chair: Gina Calvanese, DNP, CRNA

Known as the PR Committee, the Public and Member Relations Committee is responsible for communication between the AZANA and our members. The PR Committee is responsible for the public representation of the AZANA and the engagement of its members. PR manages social media outlets such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The committee creates graphics for events and important updates, and also gathers photos from members to post. PR also helps put together AZANA’s biannual journal, The Sentinel.  

Education Committee
Chair: Melissa Ranalli, DNP, CRNA

The Education Committee is responsible for the planning and oversight of AZANA’s conferences. The Education Committee designs educational programs for the spring and fall conference and additional educational experiences throughout the year.  

The Education Committee’s vision is to make AZANA the #1 choice of CRNAs for continuing education.

DEI Committee
Chair: Maria Earl, DNP, CRNA

DEI seeks to intentionally foster an organizational framework that promotes the fair treatment and full participation of all people especially those who have been historically underrepresented and subjected to discrimination. DEI will focus on encompassing a symbiotic relationship, philosophy, and culture that supports, embraces, respects, and accepts those of ALL racial, sexual, gender, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Our goal is to improve our path forward so that marginalized individuals can receive equitable delivery of anesthesia care with the same ease as others. Our committee will focus on cultivating empathy and respect for individual differences as well as foster courage to stand up against discrimination.

Wellness Committee
Chair: Melissa Beyfuss, MSN, CRNA
The Wellness Committee plans, coordinates, and promotes wellness opportunities for CRNAs and RRNAs in Arizona. The committee recognizes personal and professional risk factors and focuses on promoting physical, psychological, and emotional well-being for CRNAs and RRNAs.

Throughout the year, the wellness committee organizes events for all educational conferences. Committee members are also available to provide personal wellness support to any CRNA or RRNA.

Bylaws Committee
Chair: Kendra Elliott, CRNA

The bylaws committee responsibilities include oversight of the bylaws (basically the constitution of the organization) and policies and procedures manual (PPM).

The committee facilitates any changes needed at least once a year. 

CRNAs of Arizona Political Action Committee
Chair: Deanna Villalino, DNAP, CRNA

The CRNAs of AZ PAC is a legally separate organization that supports policymakers who understand and support CRNAs. The organization is voluntary, unincorporated, non-profit, and politically non-partisan. The PAC operates to advance the professional practice of CRNAs in Arizona, in coordination with the professional state organization of CRNAs, the Arizona Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AZANA). They function to raise funds and disburse funds to policymakers. The importance of this committee cannot be underestimated.

CRNAs of AZ PAC has been immensely successful and is in the top-10 PACs in Arizona, outraising organizations many times the size of AZANA. 

Ambassador Committee
Chair: Dorian Tate, DNAP, CRNA 

The Ambassador Committee's goal is to have a representative from each facility that employs or contracts CRNA. Each respective representative serves as a liaison between AZANA and the other CRNAs at their facility. 

Sponsorship Committee
Chair: Sarah Cornwell, MSN, CRNA

The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for securing financial support from sponsors for various events and activities. Their duties include identifying potential sponsors, developing sponsorship packages, negotiating agreements, and maintaining relationships with sponsors. They play a crucial role in helping to fund and support the organization's initiatives.

Arizona State Peer Advisor 

Bridget Petrillo, MS, CRNA

State Peer Advisors (SPAs) are CRNA volunteers appointed by the AANA to provide helpful support and information to the CRNA/SRNA in need of assistance for a substance use disorder (SUD).

Peer assistance is described as being available to listen and compassionately assist another with a particular need, usually based on their similar personal experience.


IMG_1207.jpgState Reimbursement Specialist 

Ali James Baghai, MS, CRNA

The State Reimbursement Specialist focuses on ensuring proper reimbursement for CRNA services.

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