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Thank you for your interest in joining the Arizona Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AZANA), a proud affiliate of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA).

Membership with AANA grants you membership with AZANA. To join AZANA, CRNAs must first join or renew with the AANA.

In addition to the AANA member benefits, AZANA offers the following to Arizona CRNAs:

      • AZANA works to safeguard CRNA practice in Arizona. As the representative voice for members across the state, AZANA advocates at the capitol, striving to uphold Arizona as the premier destination for CRNA practice.
      • CRNAs of Arizona PAC (funded 100% separately through individual or recurring donations) supports legislative candidates and representatives at the Arizona capitol who support CRNA practice, and the issues that matter to our profession.
      • AZANA centralizes membership information, serving as a primary support and reference point for all CRNAs in Arizona.
      • AZANA employs a professional lobbying firm to guide our advocacy efforts and fight restrictive legislation; all while promoting our own legislative interests.
      • AZANA allocates resources through volunteer work and paid advertising to enhance public relations. The goal is to raise awareness of CRNAs as the foremost providers of safe and cost-effective anesthesia care in Arizona.
      • AZANA organizes CRNA Capitol Day, which provides CRNA’s a lobbying day at the Arizona state capitol to meet and discuss CRNA issues with members' own legislative representatives. 
      • AZANA coordinates and secures financial sponsors for events to facilitate educational and professional networking opportunities for its members.
      • AZANA and AANA are like job insurance. This membership ensures someone is fighting to protect your ability to practice to the full extent of your license.
AZANA Exclusive Benefits:
      • Continuing education filing (via AANA) conducted on behalf of members, along with all AANA membership benefits.
      • Voting privileges in elections for the AZANA board of directors, allowing you to select your professional association representatives.
      • Automatic subscription to our digital Sentinel newsletter.
      • Year-round leadership opportunities available through committee involvement.

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